Quotes to meditate on

•We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.
I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

Nous devons apprendre à vivre ensemble en frères ou périr ensemble comme des imbéciles. J’attends le jour où les gens ne seront pas jugés sur la couleur de leur peau, mais sur le contenu de leur caractère.

•L’obscurité ne peut pas sortir de l’obscurité ; seule la lumière peut faire cela. La haine ne peut pas chasser la haine ; seul l’amour peut faire ça

•Rev. Dr. Martin L. King

•Dr. Serge Valcourt, MBA, Msc.D.


Fertilize your garden

Do not allow wheat and weeds to grow alongside your field. It will help to get rid of weeds; they are negative energies. It is best to always fertilize your garden for the health of your wheat.

Pour jouir des bienfaits divins, faites évacuer de vos pensées toute énergie négative pouvant bloquer votre développement spirituel.

Dr. Serge Valcourt, MBA, Msc.D.

Spiritual Food

If you habitually feed the divine within with peace, love, and harmony and control your thoughts, words, and actions, you may stay calm, tranquil, and confident in any situation.

Lorsque vous acceptez Dieu comme votre Berger et prenez soin de vos pensées, paroles et actions, vous n’avez rien à craindre même dans les tumultes.

Dr. Serge Valcourt, MBA, Msc.D.

Think before you talk

Once upon a time, in ancient China, there lived a sage whose wife kept tormenting him with her grievances: ‘What have you ever earned with your thoughts? We have barely enough to live on, and I wasted my youth on household worries. I want beautiful clothes and jewels and enjoy myself like other women.’ The sage was so tired of the endless nagging that he finally told her, ‘If you can find a man with whom you think you can be happier, leave me. I will not hold you back.’ And eventually, she did just that.
Then, one day, the old emperor died without an heir, and after searching throughout the land for a worthy successor, the ministers discovered the sage and chose him to be the new emperor. When his wife heard about it, she went to see him and said, ‘I understand now how foolish and shallow I was not to have appreciated all your qualities. But I was young. Forgive me. I want to be your wife again.’ Calmly and without a word of reproach, the emperor turned to a servant and said, ‘Bring me a goblet of the most precious liquor.’ Then, taking the goblet, he poured the liquor out on the ground and said to his wife, ‘Gather this liquor, and if it is still as pure as before, I will take you back.’ And his wife wept because she knew that this was not possible.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

C’est quoi l’amour?

Les êtres humains ont tendance à mélanger l’amour avec le sentiment, qui est une sensation ou un état émotionnel. Le 14 février, le marketing en profite pour rendre les gens fous en achetant des roses et des chocolats. Apparemment, les fleurs et le chocolat symbolisent l’amour et ils y dépensent énormément d’argent.

Je connais des gens qui abusent leurs partenaires verbalement ou physiquement tout au long de l’année mais commandent des fleurs chères le jour de la Saint-Valentin. Est-ce de l’amour ?

Je connais des gens qui trompent leurs partenaires tout au long de l’année et commandent des bouquets très chers le jour de la Saint-Valentin comme preuve d’amour. Est-ce de l’amour ?

Il existe une catégorie d’hommes qui commandent des fleurs pour leur femme et leurs copines en même temps. Quel mensonge !

Ce que nous considérons comme l’amour est la plupart du temps conditionnel. La relation peut survivre après que les conditions auront été remplies. Mais, elle peut aussi bien disparaître une fois les condition remplies.

Le véritable amour, cependant, se manifeste dans la conscience intérieure. C’est de l’énergie pure et inconditionnelle. Pour connaître le véritable amour, nous devons nettoyer régulièrement notre esprit en pensant positivement. Ce faisant, les énergies de notre esprit seront mieux adaptées à la Conscience Cosmique et attireront l’amour vers nous.

L’Écriture dit de faire aux autres ce que vous voudriez qu’ils vous fassent. Par conséquent, trompez votre femme ou votre mari si vous voulez qu’ils fassent de même. Si vous construisez votre relation avec des matériaux contrefaits, elle ne pourra résister à aucune tempête.

Il vaut mieux célébrer l’amour au quotidien car seul l’instant présent nous appartient.

Dr. Serge Valcourt, Ms.D

Spiritual Conscience Awakeness

Accept situations

It is a natural law that clouds, rain, and sun alternate to complete the cycle of life. Some greedy people always complain about these changes in the weather when they occur. Humans should expect days of alternate sadness, moroseness, and happiness. We can indeed transform them with the power within. However, sometimes things happen for a karmic reason and are not alterable. Whatever we can’t change, we must accept it without complaint. When we make someone else responsible for our fate, we raise a karmic flag against us. Acceptance and surrender are essential keys to living in perfect harmony with the Cosmic Law.

Dr. Serge Valcourt

Spiritual Conscience Awakeness

Fight for your freedom

You obtain your freedom when you surpass all family, social, or religious prejudices and fulfill your mission without fear of arrows others may launch at you. To be free is not to ensconce oneself within the protection of any support. No one will offer you to be free; you fight to win it. “It is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed,” said Martin Luther King, Jr.

You are free if there is no obstruction in living your life as you choose. However, suppose you rely on talismans, images, or other religious items for your protection. In that case, you are not free – If your assistance comes from an overprotective mother/father, you are not free – If you cannot break a dishonest relationship because of a spouse’s financial stability, you are not free.

If anything in your way obstructs you from being free, break it and get your freedom. Once you get it, you unlock the gate and can create opportunities for a better life.

Dr. Serge Valcourt

Spiritual Conscience Awakeness
Happy 4th of July