
They define honesty as a facet of moral character that connotes positive and virtuous attributes such as integrity, truthfulness, explicit conduct, and the absence of lying, cheating, theft, etc. Honesty is the quality of being truthful. Someone who tells the truth after wrongdoing is honest. Honest people make known the whole truth of a matter. For Thomas Jefferson, “honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.” We qualify as dishonest or foolish, those who knowingly lie to fool others.

Honesty is also the quality of being sincere and virtuous and presenting facts convincingly and accurately. You are honest if you build loyalty and trust within your connection. A criminal may be legitimate, telling the truth after committing a crime. A spouse who tells the truth after cheating is a genuine person. Telling the truth will make you miserable but also release you from remorse. 

In religion, most members abandon you if you dare to tell the truth. They need to hear the same lies they have been listening to for over two thousand years. Jesus was crucified for coming up with new sets of ideas. Today, they are still battling over his thoughts and have difficulties decoding them. As noted by Winston Churchill, “A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.”

Those who expect the return of Jesus are liars. If he decides to do so today, they will be the first to deny him. Being honest may put you in trouble, but it is the best way to clear your conscience.

Honesty helps you let go of your ego energies: fear, anxiety, jealousy, hypocrisy, hatred, vengeance, anger, regret, worry, guilt, and judgmental attitudes. It will help to make a habit of always being honest.

Dr. Serge Valcourt

Spiritual Conscience Awakeness


“Fire is protection. All those who have spent time in the desert or the bush know that fire is one of the best protection against wild animals. Wild animals fear fire; they sense a terrifying power and learn to stay away.
And the same applies to our inner life. Those who know how to light the sacred fire within themselves have the best protection against ‘wild beasts’ or dark spirits. These dark spirits sense the fire emanating from the eyes, the hands, and the whole body of a true spiritualist, and they flee in terror. The aura is the fire that protects us from evil spirits. That is why you must work on it to make it robust and luminous. ” Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Spiritual Conscience Awakeness

Origin of December 25 event

The early Christian community hasn’t accepted December 25as the date of Jesus’ birth and the liturgical celebration of that event. The observance of that day for Jesus’s birth took long to be accepted. In particular, during the first two centuries of Christianity, there was strong opposition to recognizing it as the birth of Jesus.

In Rome, between the years 325 and 354, Sextus Julius Africanus has decided on December 25 for Jesus’ birth, and later it became the universally accepted date. December 25 is a Christian version of dies solis invicti nati , a popular holiday in the Roman Empire. People celebrated on that day the winter solstice, which symbolizes the resurgence of the sun, the casting away of winter, and the heralding of the rebirth of spring and summer. Indeed, after December 25 had become widely accepted as the date of Jesus’ birth, Christian writers frequently connected the regeneration of the sun and the birth of the Son.

December 25 has always been a pagan festivity. That is why the early church was intent on distinguishing itself categorically from pagan beliefs and practices. Today, this pagan practice has become a religious celebration.

Dr. Serge Valcourt

Spiritual Conscience Awakeness

Enjoy opportunities

“Absence diminishes mediocre passions and increases great ones, as the wind extinguishes candles and fans fires.” Francois de La Rochefoucauld

In heavy sunlight, people seek shadows to shelter. But when the sun is absent, we miss its warmth. Nothing is permanent. You may have plenty of it today and, suddenly, it disappears. It is best if you enjoy everything around you. Often people complain about a job, a situation, or a relationship. However, in the absence of either one, their life is transformed into hell. You know the importance of a relationship in its absence.

Living in loneliness is like a plant deprived of rain and light. Loneliness gives way to depression and other dangerous mental issues to humans. But people think that feeling lonely sometimes teaches those who ignore the importance of a relationship. It makes them appreciate the care and kindness received from their loved ones.  

Each hand has five fingers, and each finger plays an important role. A missing finger creates an emptiness. Similarly, living alone is challenging and creates other misery and woe. To avoid loneliness, you must take care of your relationships. Flowers need water and light, and relations cannot stand without understanding, tolerance, and forgiveness.

Dr. Serge Valcourt

Spiritual Conscience Awakeness

Take pity on others

In the time of harvest, people are proud of their success and enjoy their achievements. But in adversity, they show sadness and melancholia. Then they remember the existence of God, praying to help them out of the mess. This way of praising the Lord seems weird! They should as well be grateful for their accomplishments, not only in times of darkness.

God utters His words constantly to your ears, but to hear His voice, you must open your heart to others. If you like the sun to enter through your window, you must pull down the blinds. If the curtains are closed, the sun will not interfere. Similarly, if your heart remains close to love and compassion, you will miss the opportunity to receive God’s blessings.

The omnipresence of God doesn’t exempt you from the law of attraction. You receive the number of blessings you deserve. It would help to not lie to yourself, saying that you love God and observe His commandments. You could instead show this love through your brothers and sisters. If you fail to take pity on the visible, how would you love the invisible?

Dr. Serge Valcourt

Spiritual Conscience Awakeness

Remain mentally alert

“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them – that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.” Lao Tzu

Changes may bring positive or negative results. But our mental attitudes to handle them will appraise the damages. The universal law admits rotations of the seasons. Nothing is static. We must remain flexible and accept changes. Those who constantly refer to the past or present are not ready to create a bright future. We can’t expect progress if we reject changes. That is why Lao Tzu thinks, “If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.” When your ship faces brutal wind on the ocean, you must adjust your sail to survive. The rhythm of living includes ebb and flow – falling and getting up – action and reaction – trial and error.  All we need is mental flexibility to hard times. But we must not lose our happiness, smile, and hope. To not let changes drive you, you must be flexible to adjustment.

To remain mentally alert, we need to develop a pattern to spread love constantly throughout the universe. Remember that whatever you give out comes back to you.

Dr. Serge Valcourt

Spiritual Conscience Awakeness


Be selective in relationships

Peace is a condition sine qua non to our evolution. People think that the worst prison in the world is a home without peace. In choosing your partner, it is better to be very careful. You must do your best not to let emotion choose for you, but to make a wise choice.

In a relationship, a wrong partner may find you in peace and leave you in pieces, whereas the right one may discover you disorganized and lead you to peace.

If you desire to live in peace, not to have your health cut in pieces, be very selective.

Dr. Serge Valcourt

Spiritual Conscience Awakeness


Be grateful every day

“Grief gives you a hundred reasons to cry; hope gives you a thousand reasons to smile, joy gives you a million reasons to laugh, and love gives you a billion reasons to rejoice,” per Matshona Dhliwayo

When you let grief invade your mind, you create the necessary conditions for unfavorable situations to take place. Every day is a gift. Instead of complaining about unexpected situations, you should rather be grateful to God for the present. All you need to do is unwrap your present with joy and happiness.

It is best always to seek reasons to rejoice the day. You can build plans for tomorrow, but there is no guarantee. It all depends on the Creator. Be grateful today and every day.

Dr. Serge Valcourt

Spiritual Conscience Awakeness


Stay poised and confident

No matter the tunnel you are driving through, there’s a light at the end. It is best to stay poised and confident, trusting your inner God. Sometimes ending the tunnel may take time, but keep working towards the solution with faith and a positive attitude.

 Not everyone facing trauma can see the light, but few people do. They work at weaving torn cloth. They project rays of hope every day, visualizing their goals to materialize them. The average, however, is internally blind and lacks confidence. They go with the tide: someday high, someday low, relying on an intermediary to reach the Supreme Being.

If you pay attention to God’s voice, you will discover the power of your instinct and will stop waiting for miracles. Instead, you will make miracles, overcoming difficulties and confronting challenges. With a positive attitude and confidence, the light will shine upon you at the end of any tunnel.

Dr. Serge Valcourt

Spiritual Conscience Awakeness